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Stop doing this to your cat !!

 We all want our cat to love us, don't we? So here is a list of 10 things you should not do with your cat, as this can lead to hatred or anger in you. Here are the behaviors you should avoid:

# 1 Screaming

Cat ears are extremely sensitive to loud sounds, so raised voices can easily scare your cat if you think so. This means that your crying, which is no longer pleasant to you, can be even more intense for cats. So no.

2 Ignoring pain

Cats are masters who hide most of their problems, so they don't scream in pain, but they tell you subtly. Returning and doing nothing will help if your cat touches a painful part of the abdomen several times or touches the ears angrily, it can lead to worse conditions and your cat will definitely not like you. So try to keep your cat comfortable, even if it is hard work. Pay attention to the small character to help her as best as possible.

 3 Turn off the light

When left alone in a silent pitch-black home, your cat will feel abandoned and alone.

4 Let the garbage get dirty

Things are always clean. How would you feel if you sat in the wrong toilet? Yes, it's the same as with your cat. So they are always clean, because everyone has the right to pee in peace.

 5 Disobedience

Things like pulling a cat by the tail (or letting your baby do it), blowing in his face, twisting his fur when he tries to fall asleep, lifting him when he doesn't want to be held, shaking him in his arms - such anti-behavior can confuse and Also depress your cat who wants to love you. And don't even think about making fun of your pet for food! It's not okay.

# 6 Skip the little things

Rarely take care of your cat and let her experience the discomfort of her hair. She didn't have her nails cut, so she kept them on every carpet. Don't look for myths in his ears, even if he's constantly scratching or shaking his head. Ignore its touch problems, even if it indicates a puncture or a tooth problem or worse. All these little things can add up and deprive your cat of strength and health. And how can they love you when they always feel bad about themselves?

 7 Punishment

Show anger and curse your cat, if she is missing a box or nails on your sofa, tell him you're not happy with it, but he may not know why. Find a gentler way to respond to your cat.

 8 Ignore

Cats keep you company, so you have to do the same. If you offer your cat no attention, no conversation, no affection and no interaction, your cat is confused and makes you lonely.

 9 Do not fill or clean the container with water

Every living animal needs clean water to drink. Be careful of your cat's water bowl, as dust and other objects may accumulate in it, so the water is not safe for your cat. Also, get a bowl that is easy to drink. It may even depend on the size of your cat.
