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Please Stop Doing This To Your Cat !!


Owning a cat is a big commitment; one that can last for many years. In order for a cat to be healthy and satisfied, it is necessary to fully understand its basic needs, such as things you should not do. Many owners know what their cat needs, but there are a few things that are inadvertently left out.

Please Stop Doing This To Your Cat !!

It does not provide its basic benefit

When you bring a cat into your life, you are responsible for its well-being. You have to be willing to take care of him for up to 20 years and sometimes longer.

Cat care involves more than just providing food and water. The cat needs balanced feeding places for cats. They must also adapt to their stage of life.

You also need to take care of your cat's health. If it shows signs of illness or pain, it is your responsibility to resolve it.

You have to let your cat behave like a cat. This means letting him sleep undisturbed, allowing him to develop natural hunting skills, accepting him to mark his territory and giving him access to these areas and toilets.

As the owner of 4 Maine Coon animals, I know how important it is to provide them with good scratching points to stretch and stretch their muscles.

Our Oscar favorite was the Pet Fusion Ultimate Cat Scratcher Lounge pictured below. You will learn more about this particular scraping lounge at the end of this article.

 Feed inappropriate food

Do not be tempted to share human snacks with your cat. Some of them are harmful – such as chocolate. And many others are full of empty calories that your cat just does not need. 

If you want to treat your cat, there are plenty of suitable, healthy cat treats you can choose from or you could give it a few chunks of chicken. 3. Deny this attention

Contrary to popular belief, cats are not solitary creatures. They are friendly and support human interaction.

Communicate with your cat several times a day and allow her to move regularly by playing, especially if it is a problem indoors. Our cats have always loved stick toys and this is currently their favorite - especially the fickle orange worm. Cats need mental stimulation to prevent them from getting bored, stressed and developing behavioral problems.

Correct unwanted behavior by punishing or calling

Try not to lose your nerve with your cat. None of us are saints and sometimes we get angry.

But a cat only gets scared if you shout at her and don't include your anger in your disagreement with his actions. It will, however experience stress and lose trust in you. 

Never ever physically punish a cat. It won’t understand a smack and you could injure it. Or it may retaliate by lashing out. If a cat disturbs you at night, putting it in a crate is not the ideal solution. 5. Only go to the vet if it hurts or hurts

Many people think that a cat should only go to the vet if it is obviously ill or ill. The fact is that every cat has to go to the vet every year.

The cat must be revaccinated every year to prevent infection with a variety of diseases - even if it is just an internal infection.

During the annual check-up, your veterinarian can monitor your cat's overall health, examine its heart and teeth, and prescribe treatment to prevent parasites such as fleas and larvae. 6. Reject its boundaries

Too much attention is almost as bad as too little. Learn to recognize when your cat needs attention and when it is sufficient.

Cats often try to distance themselves from situations that they do not enjoy. If your cat sniffs enough, she will leave and you will have to release her. An over-stimulated cat can respond with a blow, so look for subtle body language signals that say that's enough.

Suppose you can't train that

Cats are intelligent creatures and can be taught to follow certain rules. Most people know that a cat can be taught to use a crate, but that's not the end of it.

Positive reinforcement from a young age can be used to prevent the cat from scratching the furniture and the scraper instead. Being robust and not leaving a cat on the kitchen counter will ensure that it does not jump when cooking.

Cats bloom in the usual way, so introduce one as soon as possible. For example, playing and feeding at bedtime can help prevent your cat from waking up early.

On the other hand, when you get out of bed at night to feed a meowing cat, it will teach her again.

The lesson is, be consistent to get the best results, otherwise you will only confuse your cat. 10. Expose it to loud noises

Cats have sensitive hearing and are not able to handle sounds such as fireworks and very loud music. Many are shocked by the sound of a vacuum cleaner or power tool such as a drill.

If you find that there is a lot of noise in or around your house, make sure you allow the cat to get to a quiet place where it will feel safe.

 Cut his hair unnecessarily

Here and there you need to rub the cat, but one rub is only for effect instead of real brutality. Some owners like to give their cats a lion cut for no reason, except that they think it will look nice.

Some treat their cats in hot weather because they really believe they will be relieved by the heat.

Cats have fur coats for many reasons and tolerate hot weather well. In fact, their coats provide protection from the heat. Cat fur can really help keep it cool and warm. Although some cats are not naturally affected by shaving, they know that there is something else and others are obviously suffering from it.

 Express it

Cats need their claws. Dot. If you think that performing an onychectomy, as is technically known, is a cosmetic procedure similar to cutting nails, think again.

The declination method removes the nail and the first joint on each finger of the cat. Then the cat will have to learn to walk on different parts of each finger again and each step will be painful forever.

The declared cat does not have to climb well, resist stretching muscles or protect itself from danger.

Cats touch things and touch them - that's what they do. If you can't do that, you should seriously consider not having a cat. Seriously!

 Let him take care of himself

Before you adopt a cat, make sure you are ready to take good care of it for the rest of its life. Don't think it's okay to try it and then leave if things aren't going according to plan.

Never think it's okay to put your cat on the street when you can't keep her - for whatever reason. Humans raised by humans cannot take care of themselves.

If you can no longer keep your cat, find her a loving new home, ask your veterinarian for advice, call the local shelters - do everything, but let it be.

A domestic cat that has been evicted from its home risks starving, being injured or attacked, or dying of cold and more.

Don't think that someone else will accept it and take care of it - it is guaranteed not to happen.
