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How to raise your cat


Breeding cats

Although raising cats is a fun thing for many people, it needs to provide many basic needs, including the following:


A good diet for cats should be provided depends on many factors; Such as age, activity level, and health, and the veterinarian may help in examining the cat and determining the best diet suitable for it. Clean and pure water must be provided to it throughout the day, taking into account the washing of the water bowl continuously and keeping it clean. 

In the event that cats have signs of loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy for more than two days, the doctor should be consulted to determine the causes of these symptoms until they are treated. 


Cats are distinguished by their ability to maintain their hygiene for a good period, however it is recommended to clean and comb them continuously and regularly, which maintains their general hygiene, and reduces hair loss and the proportion of hairballs as well.

 pregnancy method

To properly carry cats, one hand should be placed behind the cat's front legs and the other hand in the back, taking into account to avoid carrying the cat by the neck or front legs only


To keep cats from infectious diseases, fleas, the danger of dogs, cars and others, it is recommended that the cat's residence be in a clean, dry and warm place that is constantly cleaned, which contributes to increasing the life of the cats. 

litter box

To maintain the cleanliness of the house, it is recommended to place a litter box for cats that enables them to eliminate their needs in a safe and clean manner, so it is recommended to place this box in an accessible place, taking into account to avoid changing its place except in the necessary cases gradually, and the box should be cleaned daily because cats do not use it if It was foul smelling


It is recommended to consult a veterinarian immediately if the cat is sick or injured, taking into account her visit to the doctor at least once a year for the necessary examinations.

ID card

If you want to take the cat for a walk outside, it is recommended to put a safety collar and an identification card to ensure its return in case it is lost.
